Profil für bk2525
- Benutzername:
- bk2525
- Name:
- karthikbk
Informationen über bk2525
- Homepage:
- Beschäftigung:
- S.E.O analysis
- Geschlecht:
- männlich
- Hobbys:
- Reading, Writing, Swimming
- Wohnort:
- Chennai
- Biographie:
- There is a great significance attached to user experience with regard to software testing. It must be remembered that the testing process should be done with great diligence. With this in mind, manual testing is important from the angle of human judgment. While automation may be preferred by a number of organizations nowadays, manual testing has not lost its value. Automation testing can reduce stress and efforts, but it cannot find bugs in the software that is not under its programming. If you want to kickstart your career in the testing field or want to upgrade your testing skills, then contact Aimore Technologies, which provides the best manual testing course in Chennai.
Benutzer Statistik
- Registriert am:
- 04.08.2022
- Letzte Aktivität:
- 04.08.2022 21:24
- Geschriebene Beiträge:
- 0 | Beiträge von bk2525 suchen
bk2525's Letzte Aktivitäten
- 04.08.2022:
- Zuletzt Online
noch keine Aktivitäten
bk2525 hat noch keine Elemente mit seinem Profil verknüpft
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